
Posts Tagged ‘carpooling’

Once a week, I am offering up a tip or action or idea that we can all engage with to work towards living in ways that allow for more health and wellbeing for all aspects of the planet. Last week we talked about spaying/neutering our pets.

This week the green thought is about carpooling.

Driving causes a lot of problems. Some of these problems arise directly from cars. Smog, chemical air pollution, burning fossil fuels, noise pollution, time spent in traffic, money spent buying gas, and money spent buying cars are just a few! Other problems are indirectly associated with cars. Repairs to roads as a result of high traffic, creating materials to build all the cars needed, the fossil fuel used in transporting cars to market, and the fossil fuels used in transporting fossil fuels to gas stations are just a few of these.

Carpooling individuals. Photo: King County.

One partial solution is to carpool. Carpooling is when multiple people share a ride in the same car. This means fewer cars on the road which would help alleviate the direct an indirect issues listed above. It also opens some doors to people to do not, or cannot, drive by providing them is an way to reach places of employment that might be impossible without a car. There are drawbacks such as extra coordination of pickups and dropoffs and also the need to find multiple people who all live close to one another and also work close to one another. However, the benefits are huge and certainly outweigh these costs.

What do you think of these thoughts and the solution? Is this a step you will take? Do you have any other solution ideas?

Thank you for visiting my blog! Please check back next week for another Green Thought Thursday!

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